Google's mobile UI framework, Flutter is aimed to help developers to build high-quality native interfaces on iOS and Android in record time. The framework project, however isn't related to Google’s 2013 purchase of the gesture recognition startup with the same moniker.

While Flutter works with existing code, and employed by developers and organizations around the world to build applications and interfaces via a single code base that compiles directly to native ARM code. The company has just released the first beta, which can be downloaded from the Flutter webpage.

The new capabilities include Flutter's stateful hot reload which allows for quick code changes, with results of changes available quickly without losing application state. And the existing code written in Java and Kotlin for Android applications, or in Objective-C and Swift for iOS applications, can be reused with the framework.

Albeit, the alpha release last year added iPhone X and iOS 11 support, along with inline video and additional image formats.

The framework now works with a beta of Dart 2 language, a general-purpose programming language originally developed by Google, and can use the device’s GPU and access platform APIs and services.

The major highlights of the framework include: Integration with other development tools, such as Android Studio and Visual Studio, so that developers can use their familiar editor or IDE.

And there's now a set of interactive widgets, with rendering and gestures moved into the framework, providing control over pixels and offering the ability to build custom designs.

The new betas of Flutter are expected roughly every four weeks, and the future roadmap for Flutter capabilities include: embedding of Flutter screens into existing applications, and additional support for Google’s Firebase development platform.

Google’s Flutter mobile development framework hits first beta

Google's mobile UI framework, Flutter is aimed to help developers to build high-quality native interfaces on iOS and Android in record time. The framework project, however isn't related to Google’s 2013 purchase of the gesture recognition startup with the same moniker.

While Flutter works with existing code, and employed by developers and organizations around the world to build applications and interfaces via a single code base that compiles directly to native ARM code. The company has just released the first beta, which can be downloaded from the Flutter webpage.

The new capabilities include Flutter's stateful hot reload which allows for quick code changes, with results of changes available quickly without losing application state. And the existing code written in Java and Kotlin for Android applications, or in Objective-C and Swift for iOS applications, can be reused with the framework.

Albeit, the alpha release last year added iPhone X and iOS 11 support, along with inline video and additional image formats.

The framework now works with a beta of Dart 2 language, a general-purpose programming language originally developed by Google, and can use the device’s GPU and access platform APIs and services.

The major highlights of the framework include: Integration with other development tools, such as Android Studio and Visual Studio, so that developers can use their familiar editor or IDE.

And there's now a set of interactive widgets, with rendering and gestures moved into the framework, providing control over pixels and offering the ability to build custom designs.

The new betas of Flutter are expected roughly every four weeks, and the future roadmap for Flutter capabilities include: embedding of Flutter screens into existing applications, and additional support for Google’s Firebase development platform.

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