The evolution of libraries has been rapid in recent years as digital platforms become a central part of modern life. Access to an entire world of literature is no longer bound by geography or physical limits. With just a few clicks readers can dive into books across genres, time periods and languages. Find and explore your favorite authors on z-lib where the variety of stories waiting to be discovered is endless. Now more than ever the stories of the world are right at your fingertips.

The Advantages of Digital Libraries

The rise of digital libraries has transformed the reading experience in ways unimaginable just a few decades ago. No longer do readers need to worry about carrying heavy books or being in one location to access the knowledge they seek. With a digital library your personal collection can be stored on your phone or laptop giving you access to thousands of books wherever you are. Moreover many digital libraries provide features like search functions, bookmarks and customizable reading preferences that make reading a seamless experience.

Another important benefit is the democratization of information. Digital libraries bring access to materials that might have been previously difficult to obtain. Rare historical texts, international fiction and niche genres are all just a few clicks away. This accessibility has leveled the playing field for researchers, students and casual readers alike offering vast possibilities for exploration.

Other benefits are:

● Instant Access: With digital libraries there is no waiting time between discovering a book and diving into it. This immediate access has revolutionized how we approach reading.

● Portability: A digital library fits in your pocket. Whether you are traveling or just commuting you can bring an entire library with you wherever you go.

● Customizable Features: Many platforms let you adjust text size font and background making reading comfortable for everyone.

● Search and Find: Quickly locating a specific passage or keyword is easy with digital libraries. This makes research more efficient.

● Sustainability: By opting for digital resources readers reduce the need for physical paper contributing to environmental preservation.

The Types of Digital Libraries Available

There are different kinds of digital libraries that suit various needs and preferences. Some libraries focus on academic texts and research materials which are indispensable for students and professionals. Others aim to provide popular fiction non-fiction and even multimedia content. Z library for instance offers a wide variety of books covering countless subjects making it a hub for casual readers and scholars alike.

Subscription-based platforms offer exclusive content and benefits like early access to new releases. Some also feature audiobooks catering to those who prefer listening over reading. Publicly funded libraries have also started offering digital memberships where users can borrow e-books for a set period much like they would with physical books. These different models ensure that everyone finds what they are looking for.

A Global Community of Readers

One of the most significant impacts of digital libraries is how they have created global communities. As readers worldwide access the same stories in real-time conversations about those books now transcend national and cultural boundaries. Reading has become a shared experience enabling discussions and deeper connections with others from different walks of life.

In this interconnected world readers have never been more empowered to discover and share their love for books. Whether you are uncovering a classic for the first time or rediscovering a favorite tale from childhood the options are endless. Digital libraries are bridging gaps and allowing more people to engage in the wonderful world of storytelling.

How Digital Libraries Are Putting the World’s Stories Right on Your Screen

 Google Docs is getting tabs to help with organization and finding information in lengthy documents. Although it might take a few weeks to emerge, the functionality, which was first revealed in April, is now progressively being made available to all Google Workspace users as well as personal Google accounts. In its most recent Workspace upgrade, Google declared that "you can now use tabs to draft and build content in a way that makes it possible for you to find what you're looking for quickly and stay on task." "Moreover, readers can easily scan your document and concentrate on the sections that are most important to them."

The bullet-point icon in the top-left corner of the document screen on the Gdocs desktop online editor can be used to access tabs. When hovered over, the sign that read "show document outline" now reads "Show tabs & outlines," giving users the ability to add and manage multiple tabs, including subtabs to create customisable categories. For instance, Google advises users to make a "budget" tab with subtabs for particular costs like transportation and meals.

Up to three levels of nested subtabs can be added using this feature. To create a subtab, drag a tab into another tab to make it automatically become a subtab, or choose "Add subtab" from the tab settings menu. Users can give each tab and subtab a distinct label and emoji to instantly identify them. When a document has two or more tabs, the tab navigation menu will open by default. Users can click the three dots next to each tab to share links to individual tabs.

Renaming, copying, and deleting tabs are among the tab editing features that are exclusive to people with editor access to the document. In suggestion mode, tabs can be viewed and navigated but not changed otherwise.

Google Docs Introduces New Tabs Feature for Seamless Information Organization Within a Single Document

 If recent rumors are true, Intel appears to have changed its plans for desktop CPUs and no longer has an Arrow Lake refresh in the works. You may remember that Intel's next generation of CPUs, called Arrow Lake, is set to debut (October, supposedly). Rumor has it that Team Blue's upcoming silicon generation will be an Arrow Lake Refresh. As per Everest's X-ray, Arrow Lake Refresh has been canceled, according to leaker Panzerlied, a frequent contributor of hardware-related theories from the Chiphell forums.

What will take its place, then? Panzerlied says that absolutely nothing will happen; in 2025, Intel just won't bother developing new desktop chips. If the leaker is accurate, Team Blue will instead just look to release brand-new Nova Lake CPUs in 2026. Of course, this is all subject to some interpretation.

Intel usually releases new desktop CPUs every year, or roughly every other year. If a complete range of processors isn't released, Intel will still release a basic update, like the Raptor Lake Refresh, as was the situation with the current generation. According to Intel's previous plans, the reports of an Arrow Lake Refresh appeared to make sense as a prelude to the real next generation, Nova Lake; however, it doesn't appear like this is how things will work out.

Though there is much room for speculation, if we accept this most recent report at face value, it indicates that Intel will only be offering desktop processors from Arrow Lake for the next two years. As previously mentioned, in 2026, the desktop train will stop at Nova Lake. We had assumed that Nova Lake, the location of Intel's massive Royal Core project, would debut later in 2026. However, since there won't be a new desktop CPU lineup in 2025, it's possible that Intel will want to introduce Nova Lake earlier in 2026.

Naturally, a significant upgrade from Intel is required to compete with AMD's Zen 6 CPUs (Ryzen 10000?; perhaps a name change is necessary). primarily because Zen 6—which is anticipated to launch in 2026—is anticipated to represent a significant advancement for AMD in a manner akin to Zen 2 (Ryzen 3000), which was a significant step toward moving from the original Zen's 14nm process to a 7nm one.

It is possible that Intel is content to depend on the Arrow Lake desktop processor for the next two or three years, or that this is a reflection of Team Blue's growing emphasis on laptops and improving the efficiency of mobile processors (Lunar Lake sounds pretty awesome), rather than focusing on raw performance. Or, as we've already mentioned, this could all be useless chitchat from the gossip mill that proves to be untrue. In either case, proceed with caution.

Intel CPU Roadmap: No New Desktop Chips After Arrow Lake Until Nova Lake in 2026?

 Now, without needing to unlock their phone first, Halide users with iOS 18 or later iPhones may easily open the advanced camera app from the lockscreen. That method was the only convenient option to access the native iOS camera app previously.

Apple's camera app was always quicker to activate thanks to its lockscreen shortcut, even though Halide offers more sophisticated capabilities like manual shutter speed tweaks and a "Process Zero" option that produces photographs without any AI processing. A lockscreen widget could be used to provide access to Halide, but in order to use the third-party camera software, an iPhone had to be unlocked with Touch ID, Face ID, or a passcode.

After installing the new Halide 2.16 version on iOS 18, iPhone users can swap out the default camera or flashlight shortcut with one that opens Halide right away without requiring an unlock. You tap the “Customize” button and then the lockscreen again after long-pressing the iPhone's lockscreen. After that, you can choose to delete the built-in flashlight or camera shortcut and replace it by hitting the "+" key that remains. Other possibilities are the built-in iPhone apps, such as the calculator or magnifier, although Halide should now be mentioned in the Capture area.

Apple iOS18 Gets a Halide Update

 To help with multitasking, Google is testing a new feature for Android tablets that will allow you to flexibly rearrange and resize apps on your screen. Apps that enable it allow you to run several instances of the "desktop windowing" functionality, which is currently available as a developer preview. 

Android tablets currently come pre-installed with full-screen apps. Apps that are enabled for the new mode will show up in a window with buttons to move, maximize, and close them. Your open apps are also displayed in a taskbar at the bottom of the screen.

It seems similar to the Stage Manager feature on the iPad, which allows you to move and resize windows on your screen, or it could be any desktop operating system. As part of its DeX experience, Samsung has been providing Android apps on Galaxy phones and tablets with desktop-like window management for years.

You may activate the feature by tapping and holding the window handle located at the top of an app's screen once it's made available to all users. Alternatively, you can use the keyboard shortcut Windows, Command, or Search + Ctrl + Down to enter desktop mode if a keyboard is connected. (You can escape the mode by dragging a window to the top of your screen or by closing all of your open programs.)

Apps that are locked to portrait orientation can still be resized, according to Google, which could have odd visual effects if some apps aren't optimized. Google intends to fix this in a later release, though, by scaling non-resizable apps' user interfaces without changing their aspect ratios. For the time being, users with the most recent Android 15 QPR1 Beta 2 for Pixel Tablets can access the developer preview. It is currently unknown when the feature will be available to all users or whether it will work with the Google Pixel 9 Pro Fold.

Google Experiments with Desktop Windowing: A New Era for Android Tablets


Kesehatan merupakan hak dasar yang harus dinikmati oleh setiap individu tanpa memandang status sosial atau ekonomi. Namun, tantangan dalam menyediakan akses layanan kesehatan yang merata dan berkualitas masih menjadi permasalahan di berbagai daerah di Indonesia, termasuk di Kota Tangerang Selatan. Persatuan Ahli Farmasi Indonesia (PAFI) Kota Tangerang Selatan hadir dengan misi mulia untuk memastikan bahwa masyarakat di wilayah ini mendapatkan layanan farmasi yang terbaik dan berkualitas. Melalui berbagai program dan kegiatan, PAFI Kota Tangerang Selatan dengan website berperan penting dalam meningkatkan kesehatan masyarakat secara keseluruhan.

Profil PAFI Kota Tangerang Selatan
PAFI Kota Tangerang Selatan adalah cabang organisasi profesi yang mewadahi para ahli farmasi yang berdedikasi di wilayah Tangerang Selatan, Banten. Organisasi ini memiliki misi utama untuk mendukung peningkatan kualitas layanan farmasi di wilayah cabang. PAFI Kota Tangerang Selatan berkomitmen untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan dan keterampilan para ahli farmasi melalui berbagai program pelatihan dan edukasi, serta memastikan bahwa masyarakat mendapatkan layanan farmasi yang berkualitas.

Layanan Konsultasi Farmasi
Salah satu program utama PAFI Kota Tangerang Selatan adalah layanan konsultasi farmasi. Layanan ini bertujuan untuk memberikan informasi yang tepat dan aman kepada masyarakat tentang penggunaan obat-obatan. Ahli farmasi yang tergabung dalam PAFI memberikan pemahaman komprehensif mengenai dosis yang benar, cara penggunaan obat, serta potensi efek samping yang mungkin timbul. Melalui layanan ini, PAFI Kota Tangerang Selatan membantu meningkatkan kesadaran masyarakat tentang pentingnya penggunaan obat yang benar guna mendukung kesehatan yang optimal.

Program Edukasi Masyarakat
PAFI Kota Tangerang Selatan secara aktif menyelenggarakan berbagai program edukasi seperti seminar, lokakarya, dan kampanye kesehatan. Program ini dirancang untuk meningkatkan kesadaran masyarakat tentang pentingnya penggunaan obat yang benar. Topik-topik seperti cara membaca label obat, pentingnya mematuhi resep dokter, dan bahaya penggunaan obat tanpa resep menjadi fokus utama dalam edukasi ini. Dengan demikian, PAFI Kota Tangerang Selatan berusaha untuk membangun pemahaman yang lebih baik di kalangan masyarakat mengenai kesehatan dan penggunaan obat.

Pelatihan Berkelanjutan bagi Ahli Farmasi
Demi memastikan bahwa para ahli farmasi tetap terdepan dalam perkembangan terbaru di bidang farmasi, PAFI Kota Tangerang Selatan mengadakan program pelatihan berkelanjutan. Pelatihan ini mencakup berbagai aspek seperti pengetahuan tentang obat-obatan terbaru, teknik pelayanan farmasi yang efektif, dan etika profesi. Dengan adanya pelatihan ini, para ahli farmasi di Kota Tangerang Selatan selalu siap memberikan layanan yang terbaik kepada masyarakat, memastikan bahwa standar layanan farmasi di wilayah ini selalu tinggi.

Kegiatan Sosial dan Komunitas
Selain fokus pada layanan farmasi dan edukasi, PAFI Kota Tangerang Selatan juga aktif dalam berbagai kegiatan sosial yang bertujuan untuk meningkatkan kesehatan masyarakat secara keseluruhan. Kegiatan ini meliputi pemeriksaan kesehatan gratis, penyuluhan kesehatan di sekolah-sekolah, dan kampanye kesehatan di tempat-tempat umum. Melalui partisipasi dalam kegiatan ini, PAFI Kota Tangerang Selatan berusaha untuk membangun kesadaran kesehatan masyarakat dan mendorong perilaku hidup sehat.

Tantangan dan Inklusi Kesehatan
Meskipun telah banyak dilakukan untuk meningkatkan inklusi kesehatan, masih terdapat sejumlah tantangan yang perlu dihadapi. Salah satunya adalah akses terhadap layanan kesehatan yang masih terbatas di beberapa wilayah. Terutama bagi masyarakat yang tinggal di pedesaan atau daerah terpencil, akses terhadap layanan kesehatan seringkali sulit dijangkau karena faktor jarak dan transportasi.

Selain itu, masih ada juga masalah dalam hal pemahaman masyarakat tentang pentingnya kesehatan dan perawatan diri. Beberapa masyarakat mungkin kurang memahami pentingnya penggunaan obat-obatan dengan benar atau bahkan memilih untuk mengabaikan kondisi kesehatan mereka. Oleh karena itu, upaya edukasi dan kesadaran kesehatan masih perlu terus dilakukan untuk mencapai inklusi kesehatan yang lebih luas.

Kontribusi PAFI Kota Tangerang Selatan dalam Mengatasi Tantangan
PAFI Kota Tangerang Selatan memiliki peran yang penting dalam mengatasi tantangan-tantangan tersebut. Melalui layanan konsultasi farmasi, edukasi masyarakat, pelatihan bagi para ahli farmasi, dan kegiatan sosial yang aktif, PAFI Kota Tangerang Selatan membantu meningkatkan akses terhadap layanan kesehatan dan meningkatkan kesadaran kesehatan masyarakat secara keseluruhan.

PAFI Kota Tangerang Selatan juga berperan dalam membangun jaringan kerjasama dengan berbagai pihak termasuk pemerintah daerah, lembaga swadaya masyarakat, dan sektor swasta untuk menciptakan lingkungan yang mendukung kesehatan. Melalui kolaborasi ini, PAFI Kota Tangerang Selatan berupaya untuk menciptakan perubahan positif dalam sistem kesehatan dan meningkatkan inklusi kesehatan bagi semua kalangan masyarakat.

PAFI Kota Tangerang Selatan memainkan peran yang sangat penting dalam memastikan inklusi kesehatan bagi masyarakat di wilayah ini. Melalui berbagai program dan kegiatan yang dijalankan, PAFI Kota Tangerang Selatan berkomitmen untuk meningkatkan kualitas layanan farmasi dan kesehatan masyarakat secara keseluruhan. Meskipun masih ada tantangan yang perlu diatasi, kontribusi PAFI Kota Tangerang Selatan dalam membangun inklusi kesehatan sangatlah berarti dan penting untuk kesejahteraan masyarakat Kota Tangerang Selatan secara keseluruhan.

PAFI Kota Tangerang Selatan, Meningkatkan Kualitas Layanan Farmasi & Kesehatan Masyarakat

 It appears that a new blood pressure monitor made by Huawei has received medical clearance in China. The anticipated smartwatch will be the replacement for the 2021-released Watch D. Additionally, additional features of the wearable are disclosed by an entry in the IMDA database using the same model numbers.

It looks like China has granted medical certification to the Huawei Watch D2. There have long been rumors about this wearable, which is thought to be the Watch D's replacement, which debuted in 2021. A screenshot from the National Medical Products Administration database connected to this device has now been uploaded on Weibo by user @UncleKanshan. 

Model numbers LCA-B10, LCA-B11, and LCA-B12 for a Huawei blood pressure measuring device are noted here, which could be the Huawei Watch D2. The database record also discloses that, similar to the Watch D, this smartwatch features an integrated airbag in the bracelet, akin to a cuff. Additionally, it states that the wearable may measure pulse rate, diastolic blood pressure, and systolic blood pressure "at a single time or at different time periods set within 24 hours."

The Infocomm Media Development Authority (IMDA) database in Singapore also has a watch with these model numbers. It is listed as a “Sports Activity Tracker” and has features like Bluetooth and a notification display. The pricing and release date of the Huawei Watch D2 wearable are still unknown, but the older Huawei Watch D, which retails for €339.99, gives an idea of what the smartwatch might cost should it make its way to Europe.

Huawei Unveils New Blood Pressure Smartwatch, Secures Medical Device Certification


On Wednesday, Telegram said that it is expanding the revenue streams available to content creators on its network. Most significantly, the network is introducing paid monthly subscriptions that users may buy using Stars, the app's virtual currency, to access additional content created by creators.

Now, users can join a channel in return for a monthly Star payment using invite links created by content providers. The purpose of the function is to give content creators the ability to monetize their work in a manner akin to Patreon by charging for additional or early access.

In addition to being able to choose the price for their work, creators can exchange Stars for subsidized advertisements or the cryptocurrency Toncoin. The amount of the commission that Telegram receives from Stars-related transactions is unknown.Star Reactions, another feature that Telegram is introducing, lets users give their preferred content creators direct support. Star Reactions is comparable to the "Super Thanks" function on YouTube and the Tips option on X. With the Reactions function, creators receive all of the Stars that are awarded to them.

The new functionalities expand on Telegram's ongoing initiatives to make the platform more profitable for creators. Telegram introduced ad income sharing with creators a few months ago, and this month the business began allowing producers to post paid content to their channels. With 950 million active users as of last month, Telegram hopes to surpass one billion users this year. This news coincides with that goal. Founder of Telegram Pavel Durov stated earlier this year that the business plans to turn a profit the next year and is thinking about going public.

Telegram Unveils New Monetization Tools for Creators to Boost Earnings


An existing tool that OpenAI developed and tested can identify whether any written content was produced with ChatGPT. The Wall Street Journal claims that the tool's company is delaying its public release due to multiple concerns.

By adding a pattern to the large language model's (LLM) writing style, the tool enables OpenAI to discern whether or not ChatGPT generated the output. But the pattern is still invisible to humans, therefore it has no effect on the quality of the LLM. Although OpenAI has not yet released the program, internal documentation claims that it is 99.9% successful in identifying ChatGPT's output. 

While text watermarking is a very useful tool for identifying ChatGPT-authored information, it is incompatible with output from other LLMs, such as Llama 3 or Gemini AI. Moreover, it is simple to go around this tactic. To effectively remove the watermark, you can, for instance, paste ChatGPT's output into Google Translate, convert it to another language, and then return it to English.

The detection tool can be fooled by simply instructing the AI to insert a special character, emoticon, or brief phrase between words, which can then be deleted later (using Microsoft Word's Find and Replace function, for example) or by asking another LLM to completely reword the output.

Another issue that OpenAI has with the tool's release is that it claims it might be biased against writers who are not native English speakers. A generative AI text identification tool was first made available by the business last year. However, because to its poor detection rate and tendency to produce false positives, OpenAI terminated it after just seven months. It has even gone so far as to cause a professor to fail a whole class since all of the papers that were turned in were mistakenly labeled as being created by artificial intelligence.

Additionally, OpenAI takes into account its clientele; according to consumer surveys, 69% of ChatGPT users think that the tool will lead to unfounded allegations of AI cheating. If OpenAI used the technology, 30% of respondents even stated they would probably move to a competitor LLM. Another problem the firm is experiencing with the widespread use of the ChatGPT detector is that other users could be able to reverse engineer OpenAI's watermarking method and create an app or plug-in that would neutralize it. 

Nevertheless, OpenAI has been investigating alternatives to the text watermarking method since it recognizes the risk that artificial intelligence (AI)-generated content poses to society. Additionally, there is a need for an AI detector; according to internal statistics, 80% of respondents worldwide are in favor of its development.

OpenAI's New Text Watermarking Method: A Step Towards Detecting ChatGPT-Written Content


Xiaomi is switching from MIUI to HyperOS as its smartphone operating system. On Xiaomi devices, both systems are in use, although HyperOS offers more functionality. This is the unique way that HyperOS benefits users.

1. Integration of Unified Ecosystems The goal of HyperOS is to unify all Xiaomi products into a single system. This covers wearables, laptops, tablets, phones, and smart home appliances. With this integration, customers should have an easy time navigating between devices and effectively managing their smart home. Even Xiaomi's SU7 electric car is connected to it.

2. Enhanced Battery Life and Performance In comparison to MIUI, HyperOS consumes less RAM—just 9.14 GB as opposed to MIUI's 12.53 GB. This improves system performance and saves over 3 GB of storage. Additionally, HyperOS extends battery life. Because of background improvements, battery usage may be high at first, but it will last longer afterwards.

3. The feature of dynamic interactionThe "Dynamic Notch" is a feature of HyperOS that is similar to Apple's Dynamic Island. This feature displays information such as hotspot status, battery percentage, charging speed, and silent mode using the area surrounding the notch or punch-hole camera. It offers fewer features now, but more will be added in later versions.

4. Simple Removal of Bloatware Users of MIUI have voiced complaints regarding difficult-to-remove bloatware, or pre-installed software. With a mechanism to remove undesirable apps, HyperOS simplifies this. By doing this, background activity is decreased, improving performance and freeing up storage.

 5. A Better Control Point With HyperOS, the Control Center has been redesigned to seem cleaner and simpler. By default, icon captions have been removed. If they would like, users can re-enable captions in the settings. Larger icons and a single swipeable panel make up the redesigned Control Center, which is easier to use. Additionally, it has a widget for music playback, which lets users manage music without opening other programs.

Because of HyperOS's improved efficiency, easy-to-use features (such bloatware removal), and ecosystem integration, users find it appealing. In order to guarantee a seamless transition, Xiaomi is bringing HyperOS to additional devices. HyperOS may incorporate third-party apps and services, improve the Dynamic Notch, and add new features as it develops. With its emphasis on a seamless user experience and a connected environment, HyperOS represents a significant advancement for Xiaomi and sets a new benchmark for its products.

HyperOS vs. MIUI: Key Differences on Xiaomi Devices