
The JavaScript framework for building web interfaces, Vue.js is moving towards a general release with the beta haven been available since early spring, which touts of improvements in such areas as TypeScript support and speed.

While Vue.js 3.0 is slated for a general release this month, the beta version is currently available on GitHub. It features a rewritten virtual DOM and compiler-informed paths for better performance, and the Vue 3.0. Server-side rendering is twice faster, based on benchmarks simulating scenarios.

Also, the component initialization is more efficient, and update performance has greatly improved. The Vue.js 3.0 codebase is written in TypeScript with type definitions auto-generated, coupled with an API that is same in both TypeScript and JavaScript.

What's New in Vue.js 3.0 beta?

The new framework has a composition API which is usable alongside the Options API, and offers a set of additive, function-based APIs for a flexible composition of component logic and reuse.

And the tree-shaking, which improves overall performance by reducing the output file size, is highlighted, with most optional features, such as the v-model directive, necessary for creating two-way data bindings. Other highlighted capabilities in the Vue.js 3.0 beta include:

  • Custom Renderer API, set to have integration with the NativeScript framework.
  • Fragments capability to solve issue where multiple root components are not allowed.
  • Explorative type-checking in SFC (Single File Components).

How to get started with Vue.js 3.0 beta?

The Vue 3.0 beta is currently available on GitHub and the open source “progressive” Vue.js framework is meant to enable development of more maintainable web user interfaces.

With Vue.js, any Web page can be split up into reusable components, as the framework is reactive; when data changes, it takes care of updating every other part of a web page where the data is used.

The Vue.js GitHub repo already has 166,000 stars, which lends to prove its usefulness to the developer community.

Vue.js 3.0: New Framework version promises improvement in TypeScript and speed


The JavaScript framework for building web interfaces, Vue.js is moving towards a general release with the beta haven been available since early spring, which touts of improvements in such areas as TypeScript support and speed.

While Vue.js 3.0 is slated for a general release this month, the beta version is currently available on GitHub. It features a rewritten virtual DOM and compiler-informed paths for better performance, and the Vue 3.0. Server-side rendering is twice faster, based on benchmarks simulating scenarios.

Also, the component initialization is more efficient, and update performance has greatly improved. The Vue.js 3.0 codebase is written in TypeScript with type definitions auto-generated, coupled with an API that is same in both TypeScript and JavaScript.

What's New in Vue.js 3.0 beta?

The new framework has a composition API which is usable alongside the Options API, and offers a set of additive, function-based APIs for a flexible composition of component logic and reuse.

And the tree-shaking, which improves overall performance by reducing the output file size, is highlighted, with most optional features, such as the v-model directive, necessary for creating two-way data bindings. Other highlighted capabilities in the Vue.js 3.0 beta include:

  • Custom Renderer API, set to have integration with the NativeScript framework.
  • Fragments capability to solve issue where multiple root components are not allowed.
  • Explorative type-checking in SFC (Single File Components).

How to get started with Vue.js 3.0 beta?

The Vue 3.0 beta is currently available on GitHub and the open source “progressive” Vue.js framework is meant to enable development of more maintainable web user interfaces.

With Vue.js, any Web page can be split up into reusable components, as the framework is reactive; when data changes, it takes care of updating every other part of a web page where the data is used.

The Vue.js GitHub repo already has 166,000 stars, which lends to prove its usefulness to the developer community.

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