The end of the Year is around the corner, so it behooves us to scour the Web to bring to you the best technology predictions for 2020, even as the New Year promises a lot of surprises.

The major attention is definitely on the 5G roll-out globally, which beyond doubts, will herald a new era of Internet capabilities; while technology generally is evolving in an astronomical rate, making it even harder to decide which technology to deploy for the enterprise.

As the digital age reaches its climax, the bigger attention will be around what differentiates AI from humans, which is perhaps the biggest challenge for the emerging technology and its overall applications, that is poised to affect all aspects of our interactions and also how we relate to our immediate environments.

What are the best Marketing & Technology trends in 2020?

The Internet will undergo a tremendous change, which is expected to impact the way we work and may need to define what exactly is the boundary between humans and AI. With AI (artificial intelligence) finding new application in banking and e-commerce, IT administrators must ensure that the necessary security measures are put in place to help organisations to adapt to this rapidly changing world of technology.

We have selected this top 5 predictions from Gartner’s top 10 strategic predictions for 2020 and beyond.

1. AI Driven ADS & Marketing

AI (Artificial intelligence) Marketing involves the leveraging of customer data and AI capabilities, including machine learning to predict the customer's next actions and thus, help to improve the conversion of sales.

With the increase in adoption of biometric-tracking sensors and the artificial emotional intelligence, more businesses will be able to detect, not only web actions, but consumer's current emotions, which will be useful in knowing what will satisfy them, and increase the sales. Additionally, the environmental and behavioral indicators from biometrics will enable far deeper personalization of ads.

In fact, Gartner has predicted that AI identification of emotions will influence over half of online advertisements by 2024, but brands must be transparent about how they're collecting and using the consumers’ data.

2. Addiction to Online shopping

The increased in access to consumer data, will result to marketers be able to pinpoint exactly what consumers will buy, and the point in the buyer's journey a sales will be made. As this technology becomes more sophisticated, it will become uncanny in predicting what consumers actually want, the best price for products, and where to get the consumers best attention.

This in turn will lead to consumers purchasing more and more products, which they'd find difficult to control and can’t stop the purchase, and buyers addiction will eventually set in, which shopping addictions demands greater responsibility from governments and consumer groups, who must need to take actions against such exploitative practices.

3. Beyond BYOD

Almost all organisations will be expanding the BYOD policies with perhaps “bring your own enhancement” (BYOE) which move will help to address AI in the workplace.

And IT, will definitely encounter the temptation to assert more control as human augmentation technology becomes prevalent, though the real opportunity lies in exploiting the interest in BYOE. Even as the automotive industries already employ wearable for safety, the healthcare sectors also use the technology to maximize health and productivity.

These technologies will continue to evolve, and organisations will need to consider how the augmentations can be harnessed for personal and professional empowerment.

4. Digital tracking by “Internet of Behaviour”!

The Internet of Behaviour (IoB) is used to connect a person to digital actions, more like linking your image by facial recognition to activity such as buying a ticket, which can be digitally tracked.

IoB will discourage particular practices, and may also encourage some others. For instance, speeding, and unsafe driving or even lower insurance policies.

But, there are some quite concerns for ethical issues associated with the expanding of IoB to reward or punish certain practices with access (or the lack thereof) to the social services, like schools or housing.

5. Mobile Application of Cryptocurrency

With online marketplaces and social media platforms supporting cryptocurrency payments, many people will begin to clamor for transition to mobile-accessible cryptocurrency processing, and Africa is set for major adoption of the technology, where it is also expected to see the highest growth rates.

The cryptocurrency accounts will be the new driver of e-commerce as partners emerge from areas that are previously unable to access such capital markets.

All of these show how using AI will increase accessibility at work, which is perhaps one of Gartner’s strategic predictions for 2020. And the predictions are mainly on how technology is expected to transform what it means to be human, and IT leaders must be prepared to adapt into the changing environment.

Predictions for 2020: What are the best Marketing & Technology trends to Watch?

The end of the Year is around the corner, so it behooves us to scour the Web to bring to you the best technology predictions for 2020, even as the New Year promises a lot of surprises.

The major attention is definitely on the 5G roll-out globally, which beyond doubts, will herald a new era of Internet capabilities; while technology generally is evolving in an astronomical rate, making it even harder to decide which technology to deploy for the enterprise.

As the digital age reaches its climax, the bigger attention will be around what differentiates AI from humans, which is perhaps the biggest challenge for the emerging technology and its overall applications, that is poised to affect all aspects of our interactions and also how we relate to our immediate environments.

What are the best Marketing & Technology trends in 2020?

The Internet will undergo a tremendous change, which is expected to impact the way we work and may need to define what exactly is the boundary between humans and AI. With AI (artificial intelligence) finding new application in banking and e-commerce, IT administrators must ensure that the necessary security measures are put in place to help organisations to adapt to this rapidly changing world of technology.

We have selected this top 5 predictions from Gartner’s top 10 strategic predictions for 2020 and beyond.

1. AI Driven ADS & Marketing

AI (Artificial intelligence) Marketing involves the leveraging of customer data and AI capabilities, including machine learning to predict the customer's next actions and thus, help to improve the conversion of sales.

With the increase in adoption of biometric-tracking sensors and the artificial emotional intelligence, more businesses will be able to detect, not only web actions, but consumer's current emotions, which will be useful in knowing what will satisfy them, and increase the sales. Additionally, the environmental and behavioral indicators from biometrics will enable far deeper personalization of ads.

In fact, Gartner has predicted that AI identification of emotions will influence over half of online advertisements by 2024, but brands must be transparent about how they're collecting and using the consumers’ data.

2. Addiction to Online shopping

The increased in access to consumer data, will result to marketers be able to pinpoint exactly what consumers will buy, and the point in the buyer's journey a sales will be made. As this technology becomes more sophisticated, it will become uncanny in predicting what consumers actually want, the best price for products, and where to get the consumers best attention.

This in turn will lead to consumers purchasing more and more products, which they'd find difficult to control and can’t stop the purchase, and buyers addiction will eventually set in, which shopping addictions demands greater responsibility from governments and consumer groups, who must need to take actions against such exploitative practices.

3. Beyond BYOD

Almost all organisations will be expanding the BYOD policies with perhaps “bring your own enhancement” (BYOE) which move will help to address AI in the workplace.

And IT, will definitely encounter the temptation to assert more control as human augmentation technology becomes prevalent, though the real opportunity lies in exploiting the interest in BYOE. Even as the automotive industries already employ wearable for safety, the healthcare sectors also use the technology to maximize health and productivity.

These technologies will continue to evolve, and organisations will need to consider how the augmentations can be harnessed for personal and professional empowerment.

4. Digital tracking by “Internet of Behaviour”!

The Internet of Behaviour (IoB) is used to connect a person to digital actions, more like linking your image by facial recognition to activity such as buying a ticket, which can be digitally tracked.

IoB will discourage particular practices, and may also encourage some others. For instance, speeding, and unsafe driving or even lower insurance policies.

But, there are some quite concerns for ethical issues associated with the expanding of IoB to reward or punish certain practices with access (or the lack thereof) to the social services, like schools or housing.

5. Mobile Application of Cryptocurrency

With online marketplaces and social media platforms supporting cryptocurrency payments, many people will begin to clamor for transition to mobile-accessible cryptocurrency processing, and Africa is set for major adoption of the technology, where it is also expected to see the highest growth rates.

The cryptocurrency accounts will be the new driver of e-commerce as partners emerge from areas that are previously unable to access such capital markets.

All of these show how using AI will increase accessibility at work, which is perhaps one of Gartner’s strategic predictions for 2020. And the predictions are mainly on how technology is expected to transform what it means to be human, and IT leaders must be prepared to adapt into the changing environment.

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