A new feature revealing how many users are “talking about” popular tweets has shown up under some embedded tweets appearing outside the Twitter platform on the web, which replaces both the retweet and number of replies, cumulative metrics.

The feature is perhaps part of Twitter’s move to explore other ways of providing more contextual information about tweets.

While the network had employed some metrics which might not be that familiar to audiences outside the Twitterverse, like the retweets and replies metrics that are harder to understand than a direct expression of the actual number of users engagement.

The new metric seems to replace both the retweet and replies totals with one, cumulative metrics.

And the simplicity of the information, as embeds where both users or potential advertisers that are not familiar with the platform are most likely to see them, is indeed a marketing ploy.

But, as always expected, there isn't any guarantee that this feature will see the light of day, as with most of it’s former experiments, though the engagement metrics present another smarter way to make its advertising reach measurable.

Twitter wants to show Number of Users ‘talking about’ a Tweet

A new feature revealing how many users are “talking about” popular tweets has shown up under some embedded tweets appearing outside the Twitter platform on the web, which replaces both the retweet and number of replies, cumulative metrics.

The feature is perhaps part of Twitter’s move to explore other ways of providing more contextual information about tweets.

While the network had employed some metrics which might not be that familiar to audiences outside the Twitterverse, like the retweets and replies metrics that are harder to understand than a direct expression of the actual number of users engagement.

The new metric seems to replace both the retweet and replies totals with one, cumulative metrics.

And the simplicity of the information, as embeds where both users or potential advertisers that are not familiar with the platform are most likely to see them, is indeed a marketing ploy.

But, as always expected, there isn't any guarantee that this feature will see the light of day, as with most of it’s former experiments, though the engagement metrics present another smarter way to make its advertising reach measurable.